Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Fiery Furnace & Easter Egg Hunt

This semester, we were able to have an Oklahoma Christian University student come once a week for a few weeks to get some practice working in the classroom.  Each week, she wanted to incorporate different teaching strategies.  This week she wanted to incorporate drama.  We were studying about The Fiery Furnace during chapel, so I thought this would be the perfect story for her to incorporate drama.  She was able to read the story from the Beginner's Bible that we use in chapel.  She divided the class in half and was able to use every student to act out the story twice.  They had so much fun!  Below, you will see Cooper in the first "act" putting on his crown because he was King Nebuchadnezzar.  

Below, Brooks was wrapped in a "gold" blanket and was the gold statue. 

Below, Lola and Anderson were in the king's army. 

Simon and Evan were some of the officials who came for the dedication of the statue. 

Lina, Lucy, and Madison were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  

They refused to bow down!

So the army captured them and put them into the fiery furnace. 

Look at Lola picking up Lucy!

The soldiers were killed by the hot flames when they threw the 3 in.

You can see Sierra, who was the heavenly being or " a son of the gods" who was the other in the fire that God sent to protect them.  

The next statue was Henry.  Wiley, Bowen, and Corbin were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  

Zaylie was one of the officials who came to the dedication. James and Quinn were the soldiers. 

Grace was "the other in the fire". 

Marshall was King Nebuchadnezzar.  

King "Marshall" is trying to get them to bow!

Stay strong, boys!  God's got this!

The king sees someone else in the fire!  Hey!  Weren't the three bound?  Now there are four and they are no longer bound!

There's someone else in the fire!

Below, you'll see the girls preparing to exchange their Easter bags.  I LOVE doing "party in a bag" bags!  

Below is my boy group preparing to exchange bags. 

I love how the bags were decorated!

Look at Lina's beautiful bunny bag!  Look at Lola's beautiful bag!  They were all adorable!

Look at Corbin's bunny! 

I read the Easter story from the Beginner's Bible.  Every time the kids heard the word "Jesus" they passed the bag.  When the story was over, they opened the bag they had. 

The kids enjoyed their snacks and drinks from the bag and then we went outside for the egg hunt. 

On your mark, get set, GO!!!!!!

They had a ball!  We let them open those eggs and eat that candy ~ knowing that we were getting ready to send them home! 

I had to go back to Tennessee for my father-in-law's funeral and was gone a week.  When I came back, this was hanging in the hallway!  Awwwww!!!  How sweet!  It feels good to be missed and it feels great to be back!

I also got these beautiful flowers from Grace that lived for at least two weeks!  They were crazy beautiful!  I'm so so blessed!


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