Saturday, June 19, 2021

We Read 100 Books ~ CELEBRATION!


Here they are in their p.j.s and holding their stuffed animals!  We made it!  Everyone qualified!  Everyone read 100 books this school year (or more)!  

We went to the awards ceremony in our p.j.s!  Lucy received an award! She was the First Grade Eaglet this year!  Congrats, sweet Lucy!  

Bowen received the servant award!  Well deserved, Bowen!  Congrats!  

Grace also received the servant award!  I'm so proud of these kids!  They all really deserved these awards!  Congrats, Grace!  

Sierra received a perfect attendance award!  Congrats!

Quinn also received a perfect attendance award!  

Just look at these little cutie pies!  I'm so proud!  

Okay!  Here we go with the 100 Book Party!  The kids were given flashlights and I had little "tent" areas set up in the classroom.  They were able to hang out and read their favorite books with their friends.  I set it up like centers, and we rotated every 15 minutes.  

Corbin!  It looks like he's having fun!

Look at sweeties Grace and Quinn under a table covered with a tablecloth!  Precious!

Anderson & Madison are in the teepee!

Lola and Lina are under a table covered with a table cloth.  Aren't they so cute!?

Henry, Zaylie, and Corbin are having fun in the school bus!

Bowen, Marshall, Cooper, and I believe James are in the really big tent!

Simon, Wiley, and Evan are under a table having fun!

Here's a picture from the door of our room!

Above is Grace and Quinn!

Lucy and Sierra!

I'm not quite sure how Madi got this all to herself!  Ha! Ha!

Marshall, Cooper, and Bowen with the "peace" signs!  Ha! Ha!

We had lunch ~ PIZZA ~ in the classroom!  I played a video of Scholastic Book that was made into a video for them to watch while they ate!  

Below, the 2nd graders from Mrs. Roberts' room came over for the kids to read from their Haiku book!

They were all so proud to read their Haikus to the 2nd graders!  We switched up so they were able to share with multiple students.   In the afternoon, the weather was great for us to just go play outside!  

We had a great day!  I'm going to miss having these kiddos in class every day next year!  We made it through a year of Covid-19 weirdness with flying colors!  Thank you, God!  

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