Monday, October 19, 2020

Columbus & Fall Party Craft!

 On Monday, I taught the kiddos about Christopher Columbus.  On Tuesday, I had a Columbus craft and writing lesson in their center rotations.  

 We also continued to work on sequencing and prepositions with this Rosie's Walk center. (below)

 What a sweet smile, Zaylie!  Good job, sorting those prepositions!

 These 4 kiddos above are working on Columbus.

 These 3 above are also working on Columbus.

 All of the above pictures are what our classroom looked like before lunch!  Whew!  I lost track of time and we didn't have time to clean up before lunch!  You can tell we were very busy!

Below, the kids are working on the adorable spider web craft at our fall party. 

 After we made the spider webs, we lined up and went outside to have our party foods!  I forgot to take my phone out to get pictures!  Ugh!  It would have been difficult to take pictures because it was SO windy and I was holding a trash bag for the kids!  After we had all the salty and sweet snacks, I let the kids play on the playground with the other first grade class.  They loved having that extra play time!  Thanks so much to everyone who helped supply party goodies!  I hung up all the spider webs from the ceiling in the classroom.  They look adorable.  I'll try to remember to take pictures of them for my next post!

 Below is pictures of how our Columbus display looked when completed!  Adorable!  

 I hope everyone enjoyed Fall Break as much as I did!  I'm also looking forward to the new things we will be learning this next week!  BATS!!!!


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