Monday, January 18, 2021

Happy Halloween!

 It's hard to believe that I haven't posted on my blog since before Halloween!  Yikes!  I guess having 20 kids in the classroom this year makes me more tired on the weekends!  You will see a BUNCH of pictures from our fun dress-up day and the "Trunk-or-Treat" for the kids in the back parking lot!  When I uploaded them, they uploaded in reverse order of when they occurred.  Since there were so many, I didn't want to redo them all!  I hope you enjoy seeing your kiddos in "action"!  

Here are all of us teachers in our Play-Doh costumes!  This was Mrs. Irwin's idea!  I think it turned out great and it was super easy!

Here are the kids visiting all of the vehicles for trunk-or-treat!  They LOVED it!  I do remember that it was freezing cold that day and they didn't want to wear their coats over their costumes.  The ones that had coats, I made them wear them anyways and they thanked me for it later!

Madison and Lina are getting yummy candy from Swoop the Eagle!

Lola and Bowen got candy from Swoop as well!

Quinn, the unicorn had a great time as well!

They all enjoyed the STAR WARS car because they got to hold the light saber!

Of course, the Frozen car was the favorite of most of our girls!  They loved it!

Lina gets a hug from her big sister "Elsa"!

The Chik-Fil-A car was a really cute and clever idea!  It was "their pleasure" to hand out candy!  ha ha ha!

The farm car was really cute!  They even had live animals!  

How cute is this Cookie Monster?!

Here is the OKC Thunder vehicle!  It was a favorite as well because the kids were able to shoot the basketball into the hoop!

The dinosaur costume was pretty cool.  The kids enjoyed that as well!

Lola was not too sure about that dinosaur!

It looks like a giraffe is passing out candy here!

Lola is the perfect Anna with her beautiful red hair!

Remember, I said these are in reverse order!  This is our first stop as we entered the parking lot!

Here we are exiting the building and you can see the anticipation of CANDY!!!!!

Here we are going the the lunchroom before we went outside!  They were crazy excited!

Here we are going down the stairs!

Aren't they adorable in their costumes?

Hello, cuties!

We had a lot of fun centers that day, and this is how they left the room!  Yikes!  Fun is always messy!

We were working on categorizing bats ~ Micro Bats or Mega Bats.

This table was working on a "Life Cycle of a Bat" craft.

Okay, girls!  Time to get to work! 

One of the many reasons that I love OCA is the people I work with!  Here are some of my favorite.  We are all the "upstairs" teachers!  First and Second grade teachers rock!

Ms. Crabtree is one of my best friends!  We work so well together and we love what we do!

Brooks is dressed as George Washington!  What a great costume!  He is working on his bat sort.  I'm not what sure what Corbin is doing over there!

I can't remember what test we were taking on this day, but here's a closeup at my teacher table!

Henry is working hard on something!  ha ha ha!

Madison is proud of her journal!

Look at that cutie pie, James!

Wiley had to pose for the picture!  How cute!

Look at Grace and Anderson!  Aren't they adorable?!

George Washington has a thumbs up!  He's ready for the next thing!

George has to think about this one!

Here's the wow work for the previous week.  We learned about prepositions by reading Rosie's Walk.  

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