Monday, January 18, 2021

Bats, Stem Challenge Cards, and Bible Study!!!!

I have some Fall Stem Challenge Cards that I pulled out for my fast finishers.  The kids were given pipe cleaners to use to make these.  They did a great job!

Brooks made a bat!

Simon made a bat (I think). 

Bowen made a spider.

Brooks made a spider and I think it's a wagon.  

Lola made candy corn.

Henry made a pumpkin.

Corbin made a large pumpkin. 

Cooper made a hat.

Cooper also completed the cupcake puzzle by himself!

Here are our bat fact family crafts!  They looked so cute!

Simon used the snap cubes to create this.  It is a fall leaf!  Can you see the card on the floor below him?

Here's the cutest thing ever!  One morning, after we had been studying about the 10 plagues in the Bible, Madi brought her Bible from home.  She and Corbin sat down together and they were reading and discussing this Bible story!  So precious!


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