Sunday, January 24, 2021

December Fun Centers

I love December and I love all the fun centers that I get to pull out during that period of time.  I love focusing on the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  I love teaching these precious students!  I feel so blessed!

Look at sweet little Lola!  I pulled out a box of pipe cleaners for a "fast finisher" activity.  It's amazing what the kids come up with using these!  Lola wanted me to take her picture with the flower she made and send it to her mom.  How precious!  Look at her little blue hands!  I'm guessing we were stamping words this day.  

This group put together this 120 puzzle!

Lina is with me at my teacher table working.  She was so proud of her Christmas fingernails!  She's working on her Santa Hat mystery picture.

I have my "fake fire" on the board with Christmas music playing while the kids are working at learning centers.  This little group is writing their spelling words in little Christmas trees. 

Grace and Anderson are working to unscramble sentences.  

The words on are cards with little elfs!  Gotta love it!

How adorable are they?!

These boys are at the technology center!  This is one center where I don't have to work hard to get the kids to focus!  Ha! Ha!

Zaylie is working on an iPad and Lucy is working on her Math Facts Christmas Tree.

This little group is reading and putting a puzzle for a "fast finisher" activity.

Wiley and Zaylie are reading aloud to one another with puppets.

This group is doing a gingerbread syllable sort.


When I got home, my husband had a real fire going!  It was so nice to work on grading papers by a nice warm fire!  I love Christmas!


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