Monday, January 18, 2021

A November to Remember!

For Veteran's Day this year, we did a collaborative poster.  Each kid colored at least one square and then I taped it altogether to make this poster!

I hung it downstairs where we hang our 1st Grade work.

Pre-Covid, we would have an assembly and invite veterans to come and we would honor them.  I missed doing that.  I sure do appreciate all the our military does to protect our country.  They make so many sacrifices.

At my teacher table on this November day, we were flipping pancakes and reading the sight words on them to prepare for the Theme 2 sight word test.

Bowen can read "how"!

Lina is a good little pancake flipper!

Here they are working on writing sentences.

Yep!  That's me on an airplane headed to South Carolina on the last day of school.  I went to see my daughter and her family.  There's no social distancing on airplanes!  I was beginning to wonder if I made the right decision to fly!  The plane was packed!

And then this.........  It absolutely was a good idea!  I got to see my little sweeties!  I loved EVERY minute of it!

This is my 2nd daughter, Kara and her youngest baby Brynleigh.

This is Everly Belle, the big sister!

Baby Bryn, as we like to call her, with her baby, blanket, and dog Chai Chai.

This was taken at my parents' house in Tennessee.  I got to ride with Kara and family there.  The cutie pie boy is my grandson, Grayson!

We had a birthday party for Grayson at my oldest daughter and her husband's house.    Grayson turned 5!  That's so hard to believe.  Above is Emily, Grayson, and Emily's husband, Josh. 

We also got to go and visit my husband's parents!  This was taken at their house.  We quickly took away that loud horn after this picture!

My baby boy, Caleb, turned 24 while we were there, so we celebrated his birthday at Mark's parents' house.  It is very rare for us to all be together, so we had to get a picture of the family!

Here's a picture of my 4 kiddos taken at Emily's house!  Pictured left to right:  Zachary (oldest son who needs a haircut (ha! ha!)  ~ he's married to Danielle), Caleb (my baby who just turned 24.  He just got into dental school!). Emily ~ (married to Josh and she has one child ~ Grayson), and Kara Beth ~ married to Dr. Jacob (he just finished his residency!  Woo Hoo!) They have 2 girls ~ Everly and Brynleigh!  So that's who I hung out with over Thanksgiving Break!  I'm so very thankful for my precious family and thankful we all made it back to Oklahoma safely and without Covid!  Whew!


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