Monday, May 31, 2021

3/3/21 ~ WACKY Wednesday!

Here's my little Gracie girl at 5:30 a.m. on Wacky Wednesday!  
Below, you will see the first grade display of our Ruby Bridges timeline!  I just got around to taking a picture of them all!  They are so adorable!

I had to get to school extra early this morning to get ready for "Wacky Wednesday"!  I had to find at least 20 things in the classroom to make "wacky"!  What a fun surprise for the kids!  They walked in the room and immediately recognized that something wasn't quite right!  They got their clipboards and recording paper and went on a "hunt" to find at least 20 things that were wacky and draw a picture of them on their recording sheet!  It was SO much fun!

The stool on the filing cabinet and the sideways clock were 2 wacky things!

Check out the number order of the book bins!  Something is wacky!

Who braided the ribbon?  That is wacky!

How did that chair get up there?!  Wacky!

Our MLK, Jr. Poster is sideways!  What is the frog puppet doing hanging from the ceiling?  I think I spy Clifford's feet upside down!

What happened to our Reading Center signs?

Where did that "Wocket in my Pocket" picture come from?

Is that a ladybug hanging from the paper lantern?

How can we sit on our floor desk up there?

What happened to Clifford?

Sherman who says, "Sh!" is on the ceiling!

There are so many wacky things in the picture above!  The "No Name" sign is upside down!  Our yellow paper holder is upside down!  Their's a penguin on the ceiling!  Our red lantern is upside down!

The table is in the wrong place.  Clifford is wearing a headband!

Someone made our classroom jobs very wacky!

I loved seeing these boys "spot" something "wacky"!  Such excitement on their faces!

Brooks spotted something very "wacky"!

Cooper spotted the globe.  I'm not sure what Henry found!

I believe Corbin was helping Henry.  Cooper is still amazed!

Here's little Miss Lola sorting Nouns and Verbs!

Evan and Cooper are partner reading from a Dr. Seuss book!  

Lucy and Wiley are partner reading from a Dr. Seuss book.

It does a teacher's heart good to see her little sweeties reading and really enjoying it!

Simon is reading "10 Apples up on Top"!  

Zaylie and Lucy are putting words in ABC order "Dr. Seuss" style 

I loved how this little group was all working together!

Lina and Brooks were sorting Nouns and Verbs! 

I used an online version of the reading of Wacky Wednesday and the kids were able to watch while the reader helped them find all the wacky things on the pages.  They loved it!  We had an amazingly fun day!  Hmmmmm.......  I wonder with this much fun, did they realize they were also learning?


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