Friday, May 28, 2021

My Blessed Tennessee Trip


I took a trip to Tennessee with my husband the first of February.  My father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer in December.  We were told that it had spread to his liver, but he would be able to be treated with chemotherapy and could possibly live 8 more years.  After the surgery to remove the cancer, his health declined and his wound from surgery would not heal.  He returned to the hospital and they discovered he was positive for Covid-19.  They also did a scan and discovered that the cancer had rapidly spread and chemotherapy was no longer an option.  Needless to say, we were all shocked.  We were told he only had a couple of months to live.  I'm so thankful that our entire family was able to go and be with him and share how much he had meant to all of us.  You see, he had been a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since college.  He spent his entire life spreading the Good News and serving others.  He loved his family well and we had so many good memories of our time with him.  We were able to have nightly devotionals with him as well as a worship service together on Sunday.  It was a very special time, and for this I will forever be grateful.  I hated to miss teaching my class, but this was where I needed to be.  Thank all of you for your kind words and prayers for our family during this time.  

This is my oldest grandchild.  His name is Grayson.  We were able to stay at his house while we were in Tennessee.  He is precious and very smart!  (I'm not just saying that because he's mine!  ha! ha! ha!)

Above is my little red-headed firecracker grandbaby!  Her name is Brynleigh and she's my youngest.  I enjoyed taking care of these kids while we were in Tennessee and having children around gave all of us lots of comfort and comic relief!

Above is my daughter and Grayson reading a book to "gigidaddy'.  

Above, you can see my two boys with their grandaddy. 

As each person arrived for the first time to see him, he would hold their hand and tear up.  It was very precious.  He let everyone know how much their were loved.  

Above, is all three of my grands and Danielle, my daughter-in-law!  We spent a lot of time in this room together!

Above is my baby boy, Caleb.  He is starting dental school in June.  Grandaddy was congratulating him on that big accomplishment.  So sweet. 

Above is my son-in-law and daughter and my granddaughter, Everly.  She had a special song to sing for "gigidaddy".  

Above is my husband and I on the airplane.  

Mark and his dad had many special moments together.  

This is my second oldest grand!  Her name is Everly!  Isn't she a cutie pie!

My daughter and son-in-law were precious!  My daughter is a nurse and my son-in-law is a doctor so they were able to help take care of him while they were there.  Then my daughter, Emily, stayed with them a LOT and helped take care of him.  Family ~ what a blessing!

Above is my husband and all 4 of my kiddos.  We had just finished praying together.

Every day, a stack of cards came in the mail.  We would read them aloud to grandaddy.  This is my son-in-law, Josh, reading one of the cards.  

Above is my son-in-law, Josh and daughter, Emily.  They lived in the basement of Grandaddy's house for several years.  He is very special to them.  

Grandmother and Grandaddy eating s'mores! 

I have to end this post with some happiness!  Grayson and I made some hand puppets together!  And while we miss grandaddy so very much, we take such huge comfort in the fact he is no longer suffering and with his Lord and Savior, whom he served all the days of his life!  Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful man and for our special time together!  Thank you for the influence he had on so many people!  Thank you for the legacy he left behind!

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