Monday, May 31, 2021

3/4/21 ~ Crazy Sock Day & Reading Restaurant!


Thursday, we had "crazy sock" dress up day!  I didn't get great pictures of all the different socks, because we were very busy throughout the day trying to prepare for our "book tasting" time!  Below, I gave the kids their "restaurant" hats.  The girls got the "Thing One and Thing Two" hats and the boys got the "Cat in the Hat" hats!  I took several pictures of the kids, because ~ do you even know how difficult it is to capture this many kids all looking at you at the same time?! 

Silly picture time!

More silly faces!

And even MORE silly faces!

Ms. Crabtree and I had to get all ready for the kids to come back to the "Reading Restaurant"!  I DID get a picture of silly socks!  I have on my King Charles Cavalier socks! 

Hey!  I can see Ms. Crabtree's silly socks!  I'm so thankful I get to teach with such a good friend and someone who will put up with my crazy antics and ideas!  We make a great team!

We put this sign up on our door.  We played some fun jazzy music quietly for some good restaurant vibes!  We turned off the big lights and used the lamps.  We got out some snacks and put paper "plates" on the tables. We covered the tables with table cloths (we are in need of better ones!). I will put that on my "to do" list!  We set up each table with a different category/genre of books.  The kids were given a little book to record their "taste" of each book category.  Below are the posters and the types of books that were at each "book tasting" table!

I love how all of the posters turned out!  It's so much for me to create these kinds of things on Lucid Press!  

When the kids got back from their specials, we were ready for them!  We sat them in the hallway and acted like chefs in a fancy restaurant.  We explained in our funny voices what the menu options were and what each of the categories meant.  
Next, we selected the kids and made "reservations".  We placed kids at tables one group at a time and seated them.  

The kids were all given a little book to record their favorite books at each table.  This is what the cover looked like:

I purchased this on Teacher Pay Teachers from Cecelia Magro!  She's also a first grade teacher!

Below, you will see the kids at the restaurant.  I went around with snacks to keep their little mouths full while they experienced the books.  That made for a much quieter restaurant!  Ha! Ha!

Look at those happy customers!  Brooks, Zaylie, Lola, and Quinn were sampling some books in a series.

Lucy, Cooper, Lina, Wiley, and Madison were sampling some fairy tale books!

James is sampling some nonfiction books!

Henry, Bowen, Sierra, Corbin, and Simon are sampling some fiction books!  

Anderson, Evan, and Marshall were sampling Biography books.

Look at that Bowen's sweet smile!  

My favorite red-heads ~ Grace and Lola ~ smiling for the camera!

James, Lina, Anderson, Marshall, and Evan are enjoying the fiction table!  

Smile for the camera my little customers!  Brooks, Zaylie, Quinn, and Grace were enjoying some fairy tales!

Ms. Crabtree and I survived a long work shift today!  Our customers were all happy, so it was a successful day!  Oh, how I love Dr. Seuss week and "Read Across America"!  I love these kids and I love my co-teacher!  I'm beyond blessed!

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