Saturday, November 9, 2013

Tealridge visit and our week

We went to Tealridge Assisted Living Center to sing along with the 2nd graders. The students did a great job and the residents really enjoyed them being there.

Fun at recess burying each other in he leaves!  Fall is great!

Our 4-H brothers display in the hall!

"Theo" - one of the 4-H brothers and their candy corn contractions.

Apple Red Happiness

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween Week

Mrs. Laxton taught us about Ruth this week. We learned a new song to the memory verse from Ruth. 

Mrs Laxton read the pumpkin prayer and explained it while Mrs. Cave carved the pumpkin.

Mrs. Cave is a great pumpkin carver. 

Mrs. Laxton always loves to add in a science lesson. We learned about the seed leaves on the pumpkin vine. 

More pumpkin carving .......

Here's what it looked like all lit up. 

Mrs. Laxton did a review of all the Bible stories we have learned so far and the memory verses. We were so impressed by how much they remembered!  

Mrs Laxton wrapped up a green tomato in a paper wrapper and left it on a shelf for a month. We checked it and saw how it turned red!  Mrs. Laxton explained the science behind it. 

In class this week, we learned about the 4-H brothers (Sherman - sh, Charles - ch, Theo - th, and Whit - wh) and the kids made a craft of each one. 

The kids earned an ice cream sundae party for sending out their 10 mailers for Fun Run!

Here are some of the students singing "The Northern Border of the United States" song!  

It was a great week!