Saturday, March 3, 2018

Character Bingo Kids & Penguin Art

This year, we are playing "character bingo" in our classroom.  We are encouraging students to try to earn bingo stickers for their character bingo books by showing different character traits at school.  When we catch them displaying any of our character traits on our character wall, we reward them with a bingo sticker.  These students have recently gotten a bingo!  Congratulations to all of them!  We have several more who are getting really close!







Aaliyah was our first student this year to get an a Bingo for RESPONSIBILITY this year!  

Below is our last work we are allowed to hang in the halls.  So sad.......  The fire marshal came and made is take it all down.  We had a lot of fun learning about penguins.  I thought you might enjoy seeing the work displayed.  We are working on an alternative place downstairs to display 1st and 2nd grade work.  

100th Day of School!

We had an amazing 100th Day of School!  I came up with 10 stations and the students had punch cards so that after they completed the stations, they would get their card punched and then move on to the next station.  Here's a breakdown of our stations: 

Here are some pictures of my cute little firsties going around to these stations.  They all had a lot of fun!

 Aaliyah & Kodi ~ building with 100 cups!

  Leah & Poppy making 100 tally marks

  Talla & Grey putting together a 100-piece space puzzle

   Ella & Scarlett dotting on 100 gum balls

   Addison & Anna making their 100-piece snack

   Adrian & Cohen building with 100 pattern blocks

   Wyatt & Eli standing up 100 dominoes

 Sophie & Max building with 100 snap cubes

Silly girls!!!!!

 Silly girls!!!!!

Great tower!

100 exercises

100 exercises

 Gotta pose for this one!

 Another pose for the their finished work of art!

Nice job!  

She was being a little shy. 

The first 2 to get the puzzle put together!  Woo Hoo!  Way to go Wyatt and Eli! 

"Hurry, Mrs. Ruff!  Take my picture before it falls down!"

Our finished gum ball machines!  Aren't they adorable!  I'm so sad that we can no longer hang our art work in the hallway (says the fire marshal).  Oh well.....  We are trying to figure out another way to display the kids' art work.