Sunday, September 9, 2018

Fun Morning Work!

Every year I try to find new things for the kids to do that's fun.  I found this game that we used for morning work one day during our short i week.  The kids played together in pairs.  They rolled a die and read the short i word aloud to their partner and then colored that spot on the game board.  They loved it!  Here are some pictures!

The OKC Thunder Bus!!!!

The OKC Thunder Bus came to visit and we got to go inside and choose a book!  How cool is that?!  Here are some pictures from the visit!  Hopefully, it will get the kiddos excited about reading!


At the beginning of the year, we always have a show-and-tell time on Friday so that we can get to know each other.  It also helps me to get to know a little about each student.  Here are some pictures from that day as well as the kids playing "Find a friend who..." game.







Welcome to 1st Grade!!!!

Here are my new firsties!  They are so adorable!  I'm looking forward to getting to know each of them this school year!  Welcome to 1st Grade everyone!