Sunday, September 11, 2016

Cute chapel kids!

Here's a video of some of our sweet firsties as they enjoy a movement song at the end of chapel!  They are so adorable! 

First week of learning centers!

Our first week of learning centers went very well. Fortunately, kindergarten uses learning centers as a method of teaching, so most of the kids are familiar with them. I definitely have some fine tuning to do, but we are off to a great start!  Give me a mighty "oh yeah!"!!!!!

iPad typing - spelling words

Writing and drawing in journals about volcanoes! 

Soooo focused! 

More iPad spelling!!  Adorable! 
Painting a volcano! They're so cute!

More iPad spelling!  

Roll and Write short a words!

Squiggle drawing and writing.

Volcano drawing and writing!

More volcano journaling!  Success!

A serious lost tooth!  We couldn't find it anywhere!  That's okay!  The tooth fairy knows!

Show and Tell Day

I have a Show-And-Tell day only once a year because it takes forever! After the first week, we are way too busy!  It is a great way to get to know the kiddos at the beginning of the year!  Here are some highlights of that first Friday! (August 19th)

Here's my new class!!!!

Here are my new "firsties" on our first day of school - August 16th!    I love them all already!  I can't believe it's already the middle of September and this is my first post!  I'll need to work on that!  

Sunday, April 10, 2016

January 8, 2016!!!

This is how we use technology to tell a dad who's out of town that someone just read the most minutes for the month of December and won the Thunder Reading challenge!

                                               Do you sense any excitement in that voice?

Whew!  I'm finally to the year 2016 in my "ketchup" I mean "catch up" blogging process!  These pics were from January the 8th. Yes, it was another eventful day! You shall see by reading and looking below!

The kids are painting with pudding. Cathy Laxton, a former teacher at OCA, always comes and teaches chapel for us at the beginning of the year. She brought this craft for the kids to do. 

We were reading the story "Big Moon Tortilla this week. Each year, on Friday of that week, we make homemade tortillas. Here are some pics. 

Smash the dough into a circle. 

Yummy!  Homemade tortilla with butter, cinnamon, and sugar on top! 

Yikes!  Mrs. Ruff had to stop taking pictures because somehow she sliced into her finger while cutting the dough!  It's hard to believe that I did so much damage using a butter knife!  My little nurse daughter came by to look at my finger and said I needed stitches!  Yikes!  Good thing she came, because I couldn't drive myself. I had to keep pressure on my finger!  How ridiculous! 

 I'm waiting for my stitches! 

Wowie, wow, wow!  Such a big bandage for 3 little stitches! 

 Ha ha!  This is me driving my car home from school afterward!  

This is me resting at home after an eventful day!  Just another day in the life of a first grade teacher!