Sunday, February 3, 2019

100th Day @ OCA!

We had a wonderful 100th Day of School Celebration!  I came up with 10 centers and the kids stayed 10 minutes at all of them.  The kids took their A.R. quizzes first and did a couple of 100th Day activities.  Then we got started!  The kids had a punch card that they carried around to each center and then got it punched at the end of their time there.  Here's what the punch card looked like:
Here are some pictures of the kids in action:

I have great videos of various kids doing 100 exercises.  It just takes longer to get those uploaded and inserted to the blog.  I will have to do that later.  They are really cute!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

1st Grade Eagle Beat performance ~ "Thankful"

Both first grades were responsible for starting Eagle Beat in November and then doing something that showcases what we do.  Here are our little sweeties in Eagle Beat showing their "Thankfulness"! 

Last 1/2 Day Before Christmas Break!

 My son got a camera and has been practicing taking pictures.  I think these turned out really well!  These are my sweetie-pie dogs!  They are King Charles Cavaliers.  We love them like our kids now that our 4 kids are growing up and gone all the time!



For my teacher friends ~
We are forever looking for things to give our kids as gifts that we can afford as teachers.  This year, I did little play dough gift bags.  They seemed to like them.  Here are some pics of what I bought and how I assembled them.  I purchased the supplies all at Dollar Tree ~ a teacher's dream store for school stuff!

 I printed from my computer at home, these 4 little play dough mats and then laminated them at school.  I can't remember what web site I got them from.  (Sorry!)
 This was the gift tag that I printed at home.  I found it online as well.  I think it was on Pinterest!  (Isn't everything?!)

These little play dough stamps/cutters were also from Dollar Tree!

This is the finished product!  I put one tag on one side of the little bag and the little play dough mats on the other side.

Here's the back side.

Here's what it looked like before I tied it up with a bow!

Here are some pics of the kiddos that came the last 1/2 day!  They went to the lunchroom and made all sorts of crafts and then their own pizza. Then they were sent back to me until dismissal.  We watched Christmas cartoons and just hung out in the classroom!  It was a great 1/2 day!

Center Time!

I received these scoop rockers for our classroom as a Christmas present!  They are amazing!  The kids LOVE them!  My background center group is using them.

Here is one of my reading groups listening to their story on CD and following along in their books!  

Here's a picture of the kids after we rotated centers, so there's a new group in the rockers and a new group at my teacher table.
 These sweeties are working hard at their center!

 Here's a different reading group at my teacher table.  

I'm very thankful for the rockers!  I'm always looking for things that the kids will enjoy.  I thought I'd share with you some pictures during our center time so that you can get an idea of how we do things!  Plus, I know you all want to see pictures of your kids in action!  I love this group of kids!  I'm so blessed!