Saturday, September 14, 2019

Math Center Rotations!!!!

I'm super excited about finally figuring out a simple way to have math centers and work with small groups to teach math!  It's so nice to be able to work with 3 students at a time to teach a new lesson while the rest of the kids are in groups of 3 at a learning center working on math skills!  This is the way it works:  

Each station is based on an acronym for the word "TIME".  I didn't come up with this, but love the concept and it's working for us!  I did create the signs, though!  I think they all turned out pretty cute!  I project these onto the Promethean Board so the students can see where they go each rotation.  They are really starting to settle in and figure it all out!  

Here's a student helping to introduce our lesson!

Here's a student at the Technology center playing on the Prodigy Math game.  I sent information about this home in the Tuesday folder this past week.  Students can also practice math skills at home on this site.  There is also an app that can be downloaded!

These kids are also at the Technology center practicing math skills with either Xtra Math or Prodigy.  The information for Xtra Math was also sent home in the Tuesday folder last week!
 This group is at the Making Meaning Math center!
They are using paint dabbers to answer math addition questions.

This group is at the Independent center.  They are practicing math addition facts.

This is a picture from another day of math centers.  These students are also at the Independent center practicing a math strategy that we learned on a previous day!

This is the view from my teacher table.  The teacher table is the Explore center.  We use this time to explore the new math lesson for the day using our new math books. 

This is another view from my teacher table.  The kids at the table are working on their math book page with me.

I am LOVING teaching math this way!  The kids look forward to it every day!

I'm looking forward to using the 2 new i-pads that we are getting this year at the Technology center! Hopefully, they will be available for us to use next week!   I have an older i-pad that I'm going to bring for the kids to use as well ~ so we will have 2 new ones and one older one at the Technology center!  If anyone ever gets newer ipads and would like to donate their older one to us, we would gladly accept!  Ha! Ha!

Spelling Word Practice

Here are some pictures and videos of the kids practicing reading their short "o" spelling words!  I roll a die and there are instructions for what "movement" they will do while reading the words!  

Here are some short videos of "Roll & Read"!

Here they are practicing reading their spelling words and moving.

I hope you enjoyed seeing your little sweeties in action!

Literacy Centers

Here are some pictures of the kiddos at their Literacy Centers during our Reading Block.
You can see 3 students at Table 1 (or background group) as we call it.  They are completing a 15 minute activity that is usually practicing the spelling words in some form or fashion!  I will read with a leveled group for 15 minutes and then switch with my background group. 

Above - these students are at my teacher table practicing reading their phonics readers using whisper phones, before we read them out loud as a group. 

She is reading aloud from her phonics reader at my teacher table. 

Here’s a picture of the boys following along with their whisper phones while the other student is reading aloud. 

These students are at their literacy center doing a word sort. They will have 30 minutes to complete this center rotation.  

These students are comparing and contrasting an eagle with a chicken using a Venn diagram that’s drawn on my door. The facts have magnets on the back so that they can place them in the correct place on the Venn diagram on the metal door.   Then they cut and paste the same facts to match the ones sorted on the door!  

These students are also doing a word sort as well.  The small group center rotations are 30 minutes each.  I hope you enjoy seeing the kids in action in their literacy centers!  We usually start these around 2:00 o'clock every day!