Saturday, February 29, 2020

Clay Pot Creations

This must have been a really good day because I have pictures from our reading center time!  In one of the rotations, the kids had to read a book about making things with clay.  Then they had to follow the directions in the book to create a clay pot and then write about it.  Here are the pictures from that center. 

Below is more math center pics!

This is a picture of baby Bryn on the same day.  They were still visiting!  Yay!!!

Tea Party time!

My son, Zach and his wife Danielle came to visit!

Day before SNOW Day and Snow day!!!!

So......... I've been trying to figure out why I have so many more pictures of the kids doing math than anything else.  I've come to the conclusion that I must be worn out, my brain must be completely fried, and I just can't remember to take pictures or videos!  It's also possible that by that time of the day, I've lost my phone as well!  It's probably buried under stacks of papers and books!  Ugh!  We really do some fun reading things as well.  I'll have to try to capture some more of that in the future.

Above you see Jett, Silas, and Reed.  They worked together to complete the place value match-up game.

Murphy did the place value "Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow" match-up game.  I realize it's February, but we are studying place value now!  Okay!

Jett & Reid are posing again!

Since it's the day before the predicted snow, we had indoor recess.  The kids LOVE to play with these straws!

I love how they are working together!

These two are playing with other stuff.

Still working...........................

"Take our picture, Mrs. Ruff!"  Don't forget to say, "please"!

So.............  I mentioned how sad I was that I couldn't be with my granddaughter on her 3rd birthday.  They live in South Carolina, but they were actually skiing in Colorado with my son-in-law's family.  My daughter and two granddaughters surprised is and showed up at our house!  You already know I was praying for a TON of snow so school could close!

Here I am right after they came in our front door!  I had to grab those sweet girls and hug them!  Brynleigh is on the left.  She is 7 months old and Everly is on the right.  She just turned 3!  

Everly had to take a bubble bath.

Thank you, God, for this beautiful snow!  Now I have a whole day to spend with my family!

Since they just came from Colorado, they had all their snow clothes!  Time to go make a snowman.

Time to eat snow cream!  Yummy!  This is the first time Everly has had snow cream!  My daughter, Kara, is on the left.  

So.................  I decided NOT to go build a snowman with them because this is what happened!  Why go out in the cold snow when I could be inside by the fire snuggling with sweet baby Bryn!  Awwwww!  This is like a little slice of heaven!

This is my son, Caleb, with Everly.

This is my daughter, Kara, with my granddaughter, Everly.  

I hope you all had a wonderful snow day as well!  

100th Day of School Celebration!

  1. Every year, I really enjoy the 100th day of school!  Here's a picture of the punch cards they each had.  I have match up cards for randomly pairing kids together so we began by finding our who the partners would be for this event.  Then I explained each center and I let them choose.  They stayed in each center for around 10 minutes and then we switched.  We weren't able to finish before lunch, so we had a few to finish after lunch.  You can see from the photos below that they all had a ball!  

Ava and Silas built with 100 Red Solo cups!

The video below is of Ava & Silas doing their 100 exercises!

Cailyn and Kyler were making a 100-piece snack.

Lillianna and Caleb were dotting 100 gum balls.

The video below is of Caleb and Lilli doing 100 exercises.

Here is Reid's 100-piece Lego creation.

Cailyn and Kyler worked together to make this 100-piece Lego creation.

Silas and Ava are dotting 100 gum balls.

Murphy and Reid finally got their 100 Red Solo cups built into a tower.  The struggle was REAL!

Below is Reid and Murphy doing their 100 exercises.

Cailyn and Kyler built this with 100 Red Solo cups.

This was Reid's 100 gum ball creation.

Here is Murphy's gum ball machine!

It's hard to see because of Mason's sweatshirt, but this is his Lego creation.

Ava and Silas are doing 100 exercises.

Above you'll see Sara and Jett proudly posing with their 100 gum ball machines!

Ava and Silas are working on the 100-piece puzzle.

Finally, before they die from starvation, Reid and Murphy get to make their 100-piece snack!  Bless them!

Sarah and Jett are working on their 100 pattern block creation.

Still working.......

Kyler and Cailyn stacked up 100 Jenga blocks.

Lillianna and Caleb put together 100 pattern blocks.

Mason is oh so happy with his 100-piece snack.

Cailyn and Kyler are diligently working to create with 100 straws.

Caleb stacked up 100 Jenga blocks. 

Caleb completed his 100-piece Lego creation.

Reid is working on his 100-piece pattern block creation.

I think Sarah was eating while Jett was working on the 100-piece puzzle.  Ha! Ha!

Cailyn and Kyler Finally finished building with 100 straws.

Murphy completed this 100-piece pattern block creation.

Mason is exercising along with a video for 100th day exercises.

I think Ava may have counted 100 pattern blocks and then scooted them altogether for this!  Ha! Ha!  Cute!

Kyler, Cailyn, and Mason are exercising.

Lillianna FINALLY made something with 100 pieces of Legos!  Woo Hoo!

Silas and Ava used craft sticks to make tally marks to 100.

Caleb and Lillianna are exercising!

Kyler and Cailyn made their tally marks to 100. 

These 3 worked together to build this large tower!  Way to go!

Murphy is trying to count out 100 straws.

Ava made her creation with 100 Legos.

Reid and Sarah did their 100 tally mark center.

These 3 worked together after lunch to build this 100 piece straw bridge.

Reid stacked 100 Jenga blocks. 

Silas built with 100 Legos. 

Caleb and Lilli completed their tally mark center!  

I took pictures of the kids and put them into an aging app, then printed them off.  I cut them out and pasted them onto a paper that was about "Me, in 100 years".  I waited until the end of the day for "The Big Reveal".  Here's how it turned out!  I love to hear them all laugh!